Title : The Rococo A Beginner\u002639;s Guide to Art and Architecture
link : The Rococo A Beginner\u002639;s Guide to Art and Architecture
The Rococo A Beginner\u002639;s Guide to Art and Architecture
The word rococo was first used in 1835 in France, as a funny variation of the word rocaille or a immersion of rocaille and baroque.[6][7] Rocaille was originally a method of decoration, using pebbles, seashells and cement, which was often used to garnish grottoes and fountains since the Renaissance.[8][9] In the tardy 17th and in front 18th century it became the term for a kind of decorative motif or ornament that appeared in the late Style Louis XIV, in the form of a seashell interlaced later acanthus leaves. In 1736 the designer and jeweler Jean Mondon published the Premier Livre de forme rocquaille et cartel, a deposit of designs for ornaments of furniture and interior decoration. It was the first reveal in print of the term "rocaille" to allocate the style.[10] The carved or molded seashell motif was amass behind palm leaves or twisting vines to titivate doorways, furniture, wall panels and new architectural elements.[11]In the 19th century, the term was used to describe architecture or music which was excessively ornamental.[12][13] before the mid-19th century, the term has been accepted by art historians. though there is still some debate practically the historical significance of the style, Rococo is now often considered as a definite mature in the enhancement of European art.
The Rococo Style Was LargelyFOR The Rococo A Beginner\u002639;s Guide to Art and Architecture our present IMAGERelated Images with The Rococo A Beginner\u002639;s Guide to Art and Architecture
Mathias Werthmeister A Rococo Interior, Painting For Sale at 1stdibs
Painting\u002639;s: ROCOCO
set of two identical and all original c. 1920\u002639;s american rococo style art glass interior wall
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